Butterfat Block
Butterfat BlockButterfat Block
Butterfat Block2KG | 3KG | 5KG | 10KG
Added Sodium Bi-Carbonate and minerals to reduce rumen acidios. Improves the butter fat content in milk
DCP1KG | 5KG | 25KG
18% Phosphorous, 22% Calcium (ca)
Improves milk production and conception rate. Enhance bones formation. Prevent milk fever, joint & muscle weakness and fertility problems
Dry Cow Block
Dry Cow BlockDry Cow Block
Dry Cow Block2KG | 3KG | 5KG | 10KG
Calcium free blocks with high Magnesium for dry cows
Egg Yolk Pigment
Egg Yolk Pigment250G | 500G | 25KG
For yellow yolks and broiler skin color
Fertility Block
Fertility BlockFertility Block
Fertility Block2KG | 3KG | 5KG | 10KG
Enhanced with extra Copper, Selenium, Vitamins & Phosphorus for improved fertility & conceptions
Magic Boost Broiler
Magic Boost BroilerMagic Boost Broiler
Magic Boost Broiler1KG | 5KG | 25KG
For increased production in broilers appetite & weight. Faster growth & meat quality. Stimulates metabolism & improves feed conversion
Magic Boost Dairy
Magic Boost DairyMagic Boost Dairy
Magic Boost Dairy1KG | 5KG | 25KG
For increased milk production & appetite. Stimulates metabolism & improves feed conversion
Magic Boost Mayai
Magic Boost MayaiMagic Boost Mayai
Magic Boost Mayai1KG | 5KG | 25KG
For increased production in layers, eggs & appetite. Stimulates metabolism & improves feed conversion
Magic Boost Pig
Magic Boost PigMagic Boost Pig
Magic Boost Pig1KG | 5KG | 25KG
For increased production in pigs appetite & weight, faster growth & meat quality. Stimulates metabolism & improves feed conversion
Magna CalFos
Magna CalFosMagna CalFos
Magna CalFos500ML | 1LTR
- High quality liquid Calcium + Phosphorous + Magnesium + Vitamins + Energy
- Liquid supplement for ruminants and poultry
- Increases egg shell hardness
- Prevents Hypo
- calcemic – milk fever
- Improves growth
- Increases weight gain
- Improves hardness of bones
- Improves appetite
- Stimulates metabolism
- Prevents rickets
- Improves milk production
- Source of Liquid Calcium and Phosphorous
Mbuzi Block
Mbuzi BlockMilk Block
Milk BlockMilk Replacer
Milk ReplacerMilk Replacer
Milk Replacer1KG | 2KG | 1KG | 5KG | 25KG
24% Protein, 17% Fat
A high quality Milk Replacer with very high quantity Protein (24%) and Fat (17%). Highly Digestible
Molasses Block
Molasses BlockMycobind Block
Mycobind BlockMycobind Block
Mycobind Block2KG | 3KG | 5KG | 10KG
Licking Block with added Mycotoxin Binder, which help in elimination of Mycotoxins from the animal body